Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The essense of time!

Well, always I fight endlessly with whether to write or not. I fight with the thoughts of listening to something I say getting thrown in my face. I fight with the idea that I might verbally hurt someone I love on here. I fight with whether anything I say or do makes a difference in this world. With all these thoughts going through my head I came up with the answer. Fuck yeah, I am going to write. I am going to bare my soul to the masses(probably really only 2 or 3 people) lol. The fact remains writing is my outlet. It is what gives me an internal sense of pride and helps keep me sane. If anyone cares to know what got me started again, it is two reasons.
First of all, a dear friend with whom I rarely interact(Loree) gave me a look at the window that told me everything I need to see. I briefly felt disconnected from what I love. Between Facebook and texting and a few other outlets I felt I was still in touch with society. BULLSHIT!
I lost that in which is dear to me. Intellectual stimulation. I get that from reading others blogs and being apart of a few lives that otherwise I will never have known. I remember it well from the Myspace days, and miss it.
Reason number two is the fact that my daughter goes off to college in a few months. I will have a lot more time and that scares me. Keeping up with writing is probably a lot better than whatever else I might of chosen. With all the evils or possibilities of getting myself in trouble in this world, I want to stick with the safest route. I will probably still hit a few strip clubs and flirt with the proverbial legal lines of society, but there will never be a victim(other than myself). So as a warning to anyone who reads this, I mean no harm or ill will to anyone. I am just trying to expand the intellectual boundries I long ago placed upon myself. To a bright new existance. CHEERS