Wednesday, February 01, 2006


While this will appear as a blog its purpose is to remind everyone of my not so popular "rules". Most of my regulars know and respect these, however, many people have come along since signs have been removed. A printed copy of this will be available at the store for everyone.

#1 I do not take coupons, I hate coupons, and I do not appreciate the fact that I make two dollars off a carton of smokes yet the tobacco companies are willing to send you a ten dollar off a carton coupon knowing they don't have to pay me for 4-6 weeks.
#2 We close at 10pm. We were open for 15 hours during the day already, I apologize for you not having a spare five minutes in that window to make it down here, however 10 is 10 is 10 is 10.
#3 I so very greedily add 25cents to every credit card transaction because I want some of MY money back. I pay over 600dollars every month for card fees and get back almost $250.00 from charging this quarter. It is only a dent but it helps mentally.
#4 I do not take checks PERIOD............. I hate them, I got sued for being a nice guy and cashing them, the police don't arrest or look into bad check crimes, I break even if it clears yet I'm out everything if it doesn't and most of all I HATE CHECKS....
#5 If we ask to see your ID for something, we really don't care if you left it at home, or the police took it, or the other guy always sells to me, or the most sad excuse of all" I promise I won't tell anyone" please don't waste our time.
#6 No we can't sell beer through the window.. Why? the same reason we can't sell to minors,
drunks, before 7am or to people who we know are buying for children........because the STATE OF OREGON says so.... Talk to Ted he might make an exception for you.
Rules # 7--248 will follow if these aren't respected.. Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Katy said...

I blame re-runs of the previously viewed "Lost" pogram...confusion is running a!