Friday, January 26, 2007

My Friend's

Sometimes I have the urge to write something I know I will I will be taking some flack for. This one will definitely lead to a series of comments about who I am. Fortunately I could care less deep down how I am perceived.
Every morning without fail(except during major storms) I have a group of friends that come visit me at the store. These friends mostly visit me because I provide them with a steady flow of goods to help their existance. While they by no means would not be able to survive without me, I definitely make their lives easier. I do this with the help of a major corporation, Frito-Lay.
Sometimes the generosity of these corporations leads to better lives for everyone. Usually out of code chips are thrown away for liability purposes, however I have saved these bags to help my friends in need. I am 100% sure they would never sue FritoLay and deep down I know it's the right thing to do. My friends come to me knowing I will take care of them, however there is always one who stays behind just to make sure the others are okay. I never have found out any of their names, and would have to queston my insanity if it really made a difference. They have come to represent a sort of beginning to my day. They are my caffeine. My day is just not the same if they don't stop by to visit me. They represent another small piece in the life of Hilton's Haven. I decided to take a few pictures of them to put up on my blog figuring there is no way they can complain considering what I give them religiously every day. However, I felt it right to take their pictures while they weren't paying attention so as to not offend them or make them feel uncomfortable. This guaranteed the most natural positions possible. Once a camera is on us, it is very hard to act the same. These photos are for posterity as there is always the possibility another store might offer them something more appealing. As with all "customers" I will do my best to make their lives a little better. Whether they appreciate it enough to stick around is their choice. I know there are more photos than necessary, but these guys really do deserve the recognition. Loyalty is one of my favorite traits. Thanks guys, and see you in seven hours. We are having bbq fritos for breakfast tomorrow. And I apologize for the photo of you eating, I know that is very rude of me!!!!!!!

I am a little offended by the last picture. It almost feels as if they were holding out on coming down until I give them something better. They are very well fed. I am sure they were just keeping an eye on the store for me. Actually that is where they go whenever a car pulls up to their breakfast table.


Anonymous said...

I'll bring you some of max's food. The caws seem to love kibble. Who knows maybe they'll love the raw meat too! -Brando'

Anonymous said...

I'll bring some breakfast tomorrow. 'No reason on this earth that anyone should eat "fritos" for breakfast.