Sunday, August 21, 2005

BE READY!!!!!!!

Somedays I have to really think about what it is that is bothering me. Today the decision was made for me thanks to a lady at Home Depot. As I go to return two pieces of lumber, I get stuck behind a lady who had 3 bags of small trinkets. Each bag had probably 15 different items, and was in no particular order. To make thing worse, way worse, she pulls out about ten receipts not knowing which items belong to which receipts. To make it beyond bearable for me she had paid by credit card sometimes and cash others. Therefore the clerk could not just give in store credit or credit her card because policy does not allow it. Both her and the clerk stood there staring at each other not knowing where to start. My transaction would end up taking 30 seconds, hers was approximately 10 minutes. What killed me was the thought as to why she didn't take extra time at home to make everyone elses life easier. Simple organization makes all the difference in the world to others. I experience this everyday when people come up to my window and order a pack of Marlboros. $3.85, I say. At this point they decide it is time to start looking for their money. Did I shock them? Were they expecting me to just give them the pack and not ask for a damn penny? Or do they simply not give a rat's behind that people are waiting for them. This small charactor trait messes up so many others lives in more ways than one. While I suppose I should leave my house 15 minutes earlier everyday under the assumption I will be blessed by the presence of one of these wonderful people, however, I hate the fact that I am allowing this action to continue, while I just wait patiently as if everything is just hunky dorry. I will end this rant with a huge thank you to everybody who has their money ready. It's nice to know that there are people out there who understand the immense concept of money being exchanged for goods at a simultaneous moment. THANK YOU!!!


Tanya Z said...

lol. nice. Personally it's the people who pay then take FOREVER to put their money away . . .