I suppose it being Christmas, I should write about one of those typical subjects. Perhaps I will shed light on the whole "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" subject. There is endless potential to write a real long opinion about this subject. Fortunately I will save that for one of the other million bloggers out there. My writings are always about something directly in my life. Unless I get cited for saying Merry Christmas in public I'll stay on my
usual course.
Tonights blog actually changed as I sat down to write it. I had it all planned out earlier in the day and felt the timing was just right to finally enter this one opinion in stone. However more important I went downstairs grabbed a couple of beers and headed back up to start this when it hit me. God I sure do miss Lemon Saxer.
Lemon Saxer had always been my favorite beer for the last 10 or so years. It was made by a now Defunct brewery, Saxer Brewing Company located locally in Lake Oswego. First the company was bought by another microbrewery, then that company was bought by another, until finally Lemon Saxer was no longer being made. While I tried endless times to get everyone to make that their beer of choice, it never really did real well at store level. Most people would tell me they liked it, but sells never reflected it. First they did away with the 22oz. bottle(which would of been the perfect size for writing a blog to) than about 3 months later the whole line was stopped being produced. As much as I've tried to find that one beer to take its place, I've only managed to narrow it down to five or so acceptable substitutions. While I enjoy a large variety of beers, I haven't found that anywhere, anytime beer that Lemon Saxer was. Perhaps this is a sad topic to be discussing on Christmas Day, or perhaps this topic has a relevance to my life 365 days a year. I can't remember the last time I drank a beer and didn't think about Saxer for at least a quick second. They say you should not dwell on the past, however certain things end up owning a piece of your brain. For some people it was the Vietnam War, others it might be the loss of a loved one. While the degrees definitely vary, one thing that is certain is the bodies ability to dedicate a piece of its brain or heart to one memory. I have plenty more, some happy, some sad, I just chose this one to get the point across. And yes my life will go on without Lemon Saxer, however I may never view beer in the same light until something comes along to fade that memory. Oh and Merry Christmas to everyone out there. Anyone who really knows me understands this is not and has not been one of my favorite times of year, and yes I realize it sometimes shows. I try but nothing kills me more than having to be fake in order to appease the masses.
11 years ago
HA HA HA, HO HO HO, Merry Christmas...love your Christmas blog!!! Hope you have a very happy and safe New Year full of hope and promise!!!
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