Thursday, December 29, 2005

Milkman Dan, My Hero!
Earlier today one of my customers came in and bought a couple of newspapers in search of a new job. Just last week he was so proud of his new job paying an extremely generous wage to someone who didn't appear to be very "marketable." I kept my thoughts to myself but was truly amazed. This week he was fired for crashing his delivery truck into another vehicle. His license was not valid in Oregon, but that was his bosses fault because he said it was okay. This guy was really upset as he lost a good job. I assumed there was more to the story, but felt he deserved a remorseful reaction anyway. He came off to me like a charactor from one of my favorite comic strips "Red Meat." This charactor, Milkman Dan is your ultimate nightmare of an employee. He is a delivery driver with the most malicious sense of humor you could imagine. His main tease is a little girl named Karen who is slowly becoming tougher and more immune to his constant barrage of insults and just plain mean comments. He says what many adults would love to tell children or their bosses, but are forbidden to for a variety of reasons, psychological damage probably being the main one. Anyway, I really enjoy this weekly comic strip, which to my knowledge only appears in underground papers, and smaller independent papers. The typical strip is very dark, but put in such an elequent fashion you have to laugh. The other thought concerning this strip is I wish to thank The Willamette Weekly for publishing it weekly in their paper. I am sure they get their share of complaints as this can be very crude at times. One side note, to those who have never read this comic, their are a variety of charactors all with separate storylines, so don't try to tie them together.

While I am aware these are very tough to read hopefully you take the link to his website. I think if you check each of the separate charactors one of them will strike a chord within you. If not there is Ziggy or Garfield which just might be a little tamer.
