Monday, December 12, 2005

Yes, Another tribute

I know this probably gets old to a lot of people, but as always it's important to me. Earlier today one of my regular customers stopped by who I hadn't seen in a long time. She used to live in the neighborhood behind the store but moved out about 12 months ago. She was roommates with two other people all of whom hadn't been out on their own for too long. One thing I really enjoy is watching young people grow. So much changes in that 18-21year old age frame. These three girls were all full of life and all going in separate directions. One thing I know from experience is these 3 years often shape the rest of peoples lives. For that reason I often begin to care way too much way too early. Once I realize that these are good people with the possibility of creating a great life, I tend to spend a little more time listening and talking to these people. About a year ago, she came in on the way to taking the bus after crashing her car, and had a book in her hand to read. I asked her what it was and she told me "Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs(pictured)." I made it a point to read it partly to help me understand what she likes and partly for conversational purposes. During the next few weeks she had a hard time with everything and moved back home to get on her feet. I never really saw her again, but was left with a great book, by a great author. It always amazes me how much life has to offer when you open up to others. I worried about her often, but always felt she would be okay. People with good hearts usually figure it out and from what I saw today it appears she did. She has since got engaged to a guy she says "treats her like a queen, is a great guy and someone I would really like." I doubt she understands how critical I am of the male race, but all that really matters is that she loves him. Whether or not I see her again, I am so thankful I got to see that look of pleasure on her face as she described her soon to be husband. Hopefully he does treat you like you say because you do deserve it. Good people should always be with good people. This is the only way future generations can continue flourish.