Tuesday, October 04, 2005


As corny as this is about to sound, I wanted to thank a cetain individual for something he said in his blog. After reading this he will understand completely and hopefully one time or another many of you will to. For those of you who don't know, Hilton's Haven is the name of my store. It is a convenience store of sorts. To me, however, I have fought very hard to create a place where I can make a difference in others peoples lives, create a career which allows me to spend time with my daughter, as well as have a life of my own. Trying to establish a business who truly cares more about the people of this world, than the income derived from it is extremely challenging. My main belief is it has to be about the people. I try to hire people who I feel care more about the human race than about having the material possessions this world has to offer. While I understand that I will never get rich here, at the same time I hope customers understand why I close for ten minutes in the morning to take my daughter to Choir before school starts. While this may not be a a good business move, I won't have this opportunity to drop off my child at school very much longer. Many people stop by each day, whether for a quick chat with the worker, maybe it's just habit, or maybe, and the one I hope for the most, they just wanted to go somewhere to make them feel a little more happy. I try my hardest to bring joy to everyone who shops here. Some understand and show their appreciation, while other leave just as miserable. I know I can't make a difference in everyone's life but I'll never give up. While the aforementioned blog contained a thought about my barstool, he may or may not realize that to me that is one of a thousand little pieces of joy that makes up my store. I thank you for understanding what my store is truly about and hope that others do to.


Katy said...

You have chosen a noble and worthy mission! Thanks for your uplifting and encouraging blog words. Sadly it is true that even the blog world has been absconded by the trifle fru fru of spammers, whiners and the insane. However, if we are determined to dredge on , one day at a time, chipping away at those rough edges, one person at a time, at least our part of the world might shine more. Secret and covert rock tumbling tip: the first stage, as is a constant in much of every day life, is the most important . In a rush to get to the bright shinny polished rocks, many speed through that phase, only to be disappointed with the results. The trick is to spend three times as long as the directions suggest on the first stage. Isn’t that just like most things in life? Anyhow, Keep up your efforts! They are noticed, and NOT in vain! Your compassion and concern will come back around to you even if only through the subtle form of a warm smile!!! You will reap deserved blessings for choosing the choir practice over a buck, and I‘m certain your store is a haven, representing your desire to truly care about more than the business of the bottom line!
Much success is wished for you in your life!