I debated writing tonight, because I already wrote a little on Facebook for my business, and I wrote a lengthy letter to a friend who needed a little encouragement. I really feel no huge need to write about anything except the current "grievance" I filed as a coach in tennis against a player who I consider "crossed" the proverbial line. In life we all walk the fine line from time to time, however, he flat out crossed it, then stamped his mark on the other side. I will not go into details because it would bore the living heck out of anyone who reads this(unless you are in my league). Enough of that. Instead I decided to write my short term wish list for society and for myself. The following list are things that I wish for in my life, some are tangible items, some are more goal oriented and others are flat out fantasies. However, all would bring an extrra ounce of joy to me. 1. I need another Prince Speedport Black longbody tennis racket. Prince discontinued it, but I really liked it. 2. I would love to see my daughter less buried in homework and more buried in enjoying her senior year, 3. I would love to have a little extra money to tighten the security for my business. 4. I would love to see the government stop giving away so much money to undeserving people. 5. I would love for the rain to go away for two weeks so my daughter could make up all her tennis teams matches. 6. I would love to see less geocaches being published in and around Gresham, and more actually maintained. 7. I would love to be caught up in paperwork. 8. I would love to know deep down inside that more people are positively affected by my words, than people who simply use me for the ability to continue not being responsible. 9. I would love to have more deeper conversations around a fire and a few beers with a wider variety of people. 10. I would love to see more parents focus on their children and less on themselves. 11. I would love to spend a day in a coffee shop and just listen to people talk about life, and not have to have any responsibilities for the day. 12. I would love to spend a day hiking in the morning, eating in the afternoon, and relaxing by a fire all night..............without a phone!!! 13. I would love to see Video Poker outlawed in the State of Oregon! 14. I would love to spend a day exchanging massages, eating, napping by a fire, and watching a showtime or HBO series. FROM SUN UP to SUNDOWN...then sleep all night 15. I would love to get a group of people together to clean all the side streets in Gresham. Pick up the trash and cut all the intrusive berry vines. 16. I would love to go to the coast and walk as far as I could along the coastline until I was to tired to walk anymore and stay the night wherever I finished. 17. I would love to watch my daughter play a set of tennis in singles and pull off a huge upset. 18. I would love to write knowing there were no repercussions down the road for words I said. 19. I would love to work open to close one day at my store and not get asked to loan someone money. 20. Finally, I would like to thank a certain someone for unconciously convincing me to start back writing. Her words are the only ones I have read in a long time that convey what I feel this experience should be like. I never cared if I had 1 million views or 1 view, however, I do wish to feel someone either is gaining something from my words, or has words that convey something to me. You do a great job at managing my virtual world. We as humans all have our lives, we cross different planes, some physical, some emotional, and some through words. Thank You, you know who you are!!!!!
11 years ago
i have just a couple responses to this. my first...DO all of the things on this list!
my second...you mention your words being used against you often. this makes me too curious. obviously it was hurtful, and something that you still carry with you to this day. my wish, is that you could let it go, forgive and forget. it seems it has grabbed a part of you, and not let go. i have to admit, that this fact has made me a little bitter. not towards you of course...but to the person or people that have given you this burden to carry. from what ive gathered about you as a person, you seem to constantly be searching for the better part of yourself. you care about those who need caring. and you definitely have a heart for the things and the people who are important in your life. i definitely know that events in the past are forever written in time...which absolutely 100% sucks! and while you cant change the past...you can always make a for a better future. i feel like youre trying to do that for your daughter, and yourself, everyday. im a grudge holder, so im really not one to be preaching about forgiveness...but for yourself i hope youll let it go...someday.
i hope you enjoy your weekend. its actually sunny!!
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