Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What a dump!!!!

Quite possibly the most amazing event in my life. While moving out of our house with a 5:00pm deadline nearing my ex-wife, a friend and myself were franctically throwing endless amounts of trash into the back of a truck to take a load to the dump. I paid little attention to what all was in there as my thoughts were elsewhere. When the truck was full I drove down to the dump and starting pulling out endless bags of trash and other junk. Upon finishing I drove to the scale and proceeded to pay. The clerk tells me $26.50 than pauses while listening to a walkie talkie. She then tells me the workers said I threw food in the pile which is evidentally illegal. I told her I didn't think I did. We politely argued for a few minutes until one of the guys came up and aggressively told me I did. Once again I disagreed. He gave up and left upset. I paid and continued to drive up the hill when I realized my ex cleaned out the fridge and threw it away in a bag. I felt bad , pulled over and walked back to the dump to apologize and pick up all the food. She said thank you and I walked through the mud and trash to pick up my mistake. While doing so the worker came down, got it my face and asked me if I could read. I didn't catch his reference until he mentioned signs at the entrance saying no food. I apologized again saying I didn't realize there was food in there. He got madder and madder saying it could cost him his job and the fines by the state come out of the workers pocket. I asked what more he wanted from me as I already apologized and was obviously taking care of my mistake. He very aggressively started berating me with insults and saying "it's people like you who ruin it for everyone else," by this time I significantly raised my voice and told him " I'm *&%$#% taking care of it so don't worry about it" By this time four other workers came and backed him up as if to fight while he told me to never come back to the dump because I was officially 86ed. WOW, I had to fight to refrain from laughing about how absurd this whole event was. I WAS WRONG, I KNOW THAT. But OH MY GOD! All I can say is God bless his children, for they might have a tough life ahead of them.