Yesterday I sat down and played video games with my daughter and had an absolutely great time. I fight with whether they are good to play or just a waste of time. As with most of her toys or extra curricular activities I formed the conclusion, as long as all your responsibilities in life are being met, it is only fair that you can choose your activities. We played Megaman 5 on the original nintendo system and had a great time. It was interesting to see how differently we think when it comes to getting through a situation in the game. Every scene has to be handled differently and you will replay it over and over again each time you die. So often she would die quickly and try the same method again. Other times she would alter it so slightly and get right through it. It's great for learning how to adjust your thinking and testing your patience. We have also spent a great deal of time on Sudoku puzzles. She is much faster at thinking logically than I am, but she constantly misses the obvious ones. She often thinks more than necessary in life and actually ends up making things harder for herself. I don't think she actually realizes how smart she really is. I just appreciate how much she wants to learn, and how she knows how to have a good time as well. I learn more from watching her than anywhere else in this world.
11 years ago
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