Saturday, September 17, 2005

Take a minute please!

Often at work I have people come into my life one time never to be seen again. Sometimes they leave a lasting impression, sometimes I'm thankful that it was only once. However one thing I've learned is I'm always lucky to get to have experienced someone new. I am finally getting better at opening myself up to a larger variety of people. For a long time I would be very picky over who I actually chose to "get to know better." Life stays simpler this way, however you miss a lot by doing so. By not taking the time I missed out dearly on something I would of really liked to experience looking back. About a month ago a regular customer who had been shopping at my store for about two years invited me to a barbeque. I never got around to going because I actually completely forgot about it until way after the fact. This happens a lot, and I always swear to be better next time. Unfortunately he was shot and killed by two police officers after going through a day of bizarre occurances. About three hours before the ending of his life he came to the store, gave me a jar of change(well more than what he owed) and told me to keep it, that he didn't care. I asked him if he was okay to which he replied," no, I am not" and drove off before I could respond. While I understand that I had no bearing on the outcome of his life, I wandered how it would of been different had I gone to eat with him. Would I have discovered a serious problem in his life and helped him through it? Perhaps he would of stayed to tell me what was making him not okay that day. I could speculate all day long, but the only thing I know, is I wish I had taken a little more time to be in his life. He was always an awesome customer and person as well, and by no means deserved to have life end this way. Fouad Kaady, I appreciate what you taught me, and I feel you made this world a better place!!!!!!!!!!!!!