Well for all you customers who enjoyed purchasing single cigarettes for a quarter, I'm sorry to inform you that it has to come to an end. The Oregon Department of Revenue came in to my store and informed me that it is not legal in Oregon to sell a cigarette without a manufactured seal around it. He informed me this was to insure people weren't getting a product possibly contaminated with something, or if a customer was to get sick it could come back to me for having them "unprotected." While this seems sort of logical, I wandered who regulates the safety of some other possible situations around town. Not to compare odds, but in my eyes the possibility of one of the following happening is probably a lot larger. For instance, anyone can walk into a Natures, open up a bulk bin of protein powder and mix any chemical they wish into it. At Wendy's, generally unhappy teenagers, combine numerous ingrediants into a huge pot to make their chili. Why are they trusted to make sure nothing bad is to get into this pot. This same concept occurs at every restaurant. My guess is the possibility of foul play is a lot larger in a kitchen, than it is for a single cigarette. Anyway the whole point is to inform the public that the price is now fifty cents each. A quarter for the ciggy and a quarter for the plastic container. At least we know the public is now safe from the possibility of obtaining an unhealthy product. Even though it is not my fault, I wanted to apologize in advance for the increase. Somehow, many people seem to think it was my decision. Oh well at least everyone saved a little money for a short period of time.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Mutual feelings I assume!!!!!
Every day I can count on one certainty. The fact that someone out there is looking for help.
Whether it 's financial, emotional, or physical, I can guarantee you it will cross my path. Unfortunately, I have learned that most people cry for help, but very few actually listen. I carefully pick and choose whose problem I wish to help them deal with. I have enough problems of my own so my resources are limited as is my desire to waste my time. This message goes out to a friend who has been shopping at my store for quite a while. His problems mirror mine almost identically. Perhaps by offering my opinion, I might actually be helping myself. Anyway many of these thoughts are universal, so hopefully others don't consider it a complete waste of their time. First of all, everyone in this world has lost something or someone dear to them. Do not think you are alone. While half of my life was spent faithfully with the same woman before we decided to go our separate ways, I realize there are parts of me where she will always be. However, more important, is the realization that the point of being apart is for BOTH of our
lives to be better. I would never do anything to hinder her future happiness no matter how much it hurt me, and at the same time I have to work on being as good, well rounded person as possible, in order to make my life better as well as anyone who might be willing to spend time with me. I have always had outrageous expectations of any woman to whom I would want to be with, and for that reason, I drastically limit the possibilities of having a good relationship. While my ex-wife is about as good of a person as you will ever come across, I realize that I lost her and either have to choose to be alone or find someone who is also that good of a person. The worst thing, I feel, is to dwell on the past. Yes, it hurts, but dwelling on it will only drive you crazy, and probably lead you to make an even larger mistake. Time is the most painful element during your seperation. Find projects to keep your mind busy, but do not lose site of making your world a better place. You will probably be surprised what all is out in this world when you open your eyes and heart to it. For this reason you must take care of yourself. Imagine making the same mistake twice. Having a great person step into your life only to leave because it was obvious you weren't over your ex. Anyway take care of yourself, I will always make time if you need it, however I prefer a good coffee or beer over tea!!!!!!!!
Posted by Hilton's Haven at 9/27/2005 10:13:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 26, 2005
Thanks for the reminder!!!!
Often in life I hurry up and try to get on to the next mission. I tend to forget that there is so much more than just going through the motions. Tonight I covered the last two hours of my clerks shift and was dead set on locking the doors at EXACTLY 10:00pm and not helping anyone else. The store has already been open for 16 hours everyone had a fair shot is the way I see it. However at 10:02 "one last customer pulls up to the window and proceeds to ask me all about rolling your own cigarettes. While I would love to fill her world with wonderful information, I can't seem to concentrate on anything other than the clock. After about three minutes of explaining she than asks if I'm the one who writes all the notes in the window. I say yes which leads to numerous other compliments about my writings, store image, and general nature. By now I feel really good about keeping the door open for the extra five minutes. As I go to lock the front door an ambulance pulls up. The possibilities for bad karma are endless for turning down an ambulance so I decide to let them in. By now four medics get out and decide to
take there sweet ass time, after all they still have five hours left on there shift. While I would never wish for a reason for the drivers to have to hurry up and leave, I do want to get home.
After another 5-6 minutes they leave. Finally I get to lock up and go home. Wait now an Air Force National Guard comes in wearing his complete outfit. Knowing there is absolutely no way
I am about to join any organization where part of your job description involves learning how to kill other people, the least I could do is support those who are couragous enough to do so. Fortunately he was very quick in getting his needs. I couldn't decide what I was more thankful for, his courage or his ability to shop fast. Either way I am thankful all 3 transactions made it worth it to stay open a little longer. With people out there truly making a difference in this world, I have no right to bitch about staying an extra10-15 minutes. Thanks for the reminder!!
Posted by Hilton's Haven at 9/26/2005 11:08:00 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Take a minute please!
Often at work I have people come into my life one time never to be seen again. Sometimes they leave a lasting impression, sometimes I'm thankful that it was only once. However one thing I've learned is I'm always lucky to get to have experienced someone new. I am finally getting better at opening myself up to a larger variety of people. For a long time I would be very picky over who I actually chose to "get to know better." Life stays simpler this way, however you miss a lot by doing so. By not taking the time I missed out dearly on something I would of really liked to experience looking back. About a month ago a regular customer who had been shopping at my store for about two years invited me to a barbeque. I never got around to going because I actually completely forgot about it until way after the fact. This happens a lot, and I always swear to be better next time. Unfortunately he was shot and killed by two police officers after going through a day of bizarre occurances. About three hours before the ending of his life he came to the store, gave me a jar of change(well more than what he owed) and told me to keep it, that he didn't care. I asked him if he was okay to which he replied," no, I am not" and drove off before I could respond. While I understand that I had no bearing on the outcome of his life, I wandered how it would of been different had I gone to eat with him. Would I have discovered a serious problem in his life and helped him through it? Perhaps he would of stayed to tell me what was making him not okay that day. I could speculate all day long, but the only thing I know, is I wish I had taken a little more time to be in his life. He was always an awesome customer and person as well, and by no means deserved to have life end this way. Fouad Kaady, I appreciate what you taught me, and I feel you made this world a better place!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Hilton's Haven at 9/17/2005 11:08:00 PM 0 comments