Thursday, January 19, 2012

A new year ...What will it Bring!!!

Obviously I have not written in a long time. There are a variety of reasons for this. None of which are valid alone, but enough as a group to keep me off of here. Ironically, it is the thinking of why I haven't written that lead me to write again. The main reasons I am starting back are from fellow writers. First of all, after reading Leah McMahon's book, At First Sip, I really felt compelled to get back into writing. She has an incredible talent for words, while balancing her everyday life. Like myself she owns her own business, and works it very hard. It was very impressive to me that she found the time to write a book on top of everyday life. I am thankful for her words, and have always admired her a s a person, not to mention she makes damn good coffee. Her business Silk's in Gresham is where I first met her, and I immediately knew she was a solid person. Another main reason I am starting back, is I feel this last year chipped away at my soul a bit. I learned a lot about myself, and life in general, and can and will write a whole blog about my learning curve this year. However, for starters I just want to get back to my roots so to speak. The last reason is also another rock solid person. Melissa started writing again and has always been an inspiration for a variety of reasons. Just like Leah, she has her hands full in life, and is trying to balance it. It is not easy, but like myself, she understands one major rule of life. No matter what goes on, your children always come first. So with this short list of credits out of the way I wish to share a few thoughts. Most of these will be far more in depth in future blogs so as to not overwhelm(or bore) anyone stumbling onto this for the first time.

First thing I want to briefly address is a few thoughts on my current staff at my business. Currently I have four people working for(with) me who are all amazing humans in their own way. We are all at different stages in life, and have our own issues to deal with. We range from our early twenties to our early forties yet somehow we are pretty much dealing with the same issues. Half of us have great relationships with significant others and the other half are dealing with the not so pretty side of relationships. One thing all of us have in common though is we are all incredibly caring human beings, who will go out of our way to help others. We have different passions this way. One works his ass off to Support Relay for Life. Some are devoted to the upbringing of their children, and all make sure others in their life are taken care of.
With my daughter off to college, my time freed up a wee bit. I try to use it to help society. I have endless little things I do in as discreet of a fashion as possible so as to not receive attention. I simply do these things to make the planet more livable. In return, I have been given a good life surrounded by great loving peoples. Some people come into and leave quickly, while others I rarely see, but I know deep down they are thankful for having me in their life. I have learned to embrace and accept whatever level people want me in their life. We are all at different points in our travels and I realize it is easier for me to simply include myself at others pace. I don't push to be involved, but I will gladly join if asked. I suppose I am that proverbial kid at the dance waiting in the corner to be asked. I have become overly comfortable being alone, and at times that saddens me, but at the same time I have the opportunity to be involved on a smaller level with so many more people. My life has never been so full, and at the exact time my life has never been so empty. When feeling down I simply find someone who needs a little extra cheer in their life and I try to help. It seems to refill my soul enough to continue. I try on a regular basis to look deep into my heart to find what it needs, and I never seem to get the full answer. For that reason I simply put a little fuel in the tank and continue down my path. I have tons to write about now,and it feels so good to be back. Plenty of rants are a go, and lots of personal stories to share. May this be a wonderful year of making more memories and others lives better:)